Promo image for Shireen Dickson's "Social Dance for Social Change" Lecture called "Lessons from the Cypher: A Blueprint for Radical Inclusion" - November 2021
Promo image for Shireen Dickson's "Social Dance for Social Change" Lecture called "Lessons from the Cypher: A Blueprint for Radical Inclusion" - November 2021

OKRA collaborators continue to be well-represented in Camille A. Brown’s Social Dance for Social Change virtual lecture series. Our own Dexter Jones has already presented on black theater dance history several times.

Dexter recently invited OKRA’s director Shireen Dickson to the party, as well as OKRA’s previous director Mama Aduke Mickey Davidson (and former OKRA dancer Theara Ward).

Shireen’s talk was moderated by CABD Alum, Francine Ott. It takes elements of the hip hop cypher, and imagines how they can be applied to the ways we teach and learn, and how those elements help us celebrate individual spirit even while affirming community.

It is available on Facebook using this link through the end of 2021. You can find new lectures and conversations every Tuesday and Friday at 2pm EST on the Camille A. Brown Facebook page.

Thanks Dexter!


#okradanceco #schoolassembly #worlddance #rhythmdances #dancehistory

AFRICA to BLUES to RAP and Back!

**new 4-person show for 2019!**

Thursday, January 31, 2019 | Queens College, NY

Wednesday, May 1, 2019 | Lehman College, NY